Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Movies and Christmas day!

I never understood how movies could successfully open up on Christmas day until yesterday. Bill came over at 8 a.m. to be there as Anisten opened up her presents and by 9:30 a.m. he had gone home to sleep as his clock is messed up from working night shift. My parents went off to church and stayed there for the whole day as they have a special program and off course it wouldn't be a Ukrainian event without lots of food. My brothers live in Edmonton and so are the Sims whom we spent 5 great happy Christmases with in the past.

Wanda and Brent had invited us over if we wanted but Anisten wanted a quiet day to play with her new STUFF and plenty of it being TECHNOLOGY. She is also not big on going somewhere with people she doesn't know(blame her fathers genes for that one). We did get a chance to visit with Brent and Wanda the day before along with our long time friends Peter and Darlene, it's always good to see friends specially the ones you don't get to see often. Wanda and Brent always have an open door policy and I truly love them for it.

Soooo... I treated myself to watching Mission Impossible 3 on pay-per-view, I love action movies!!!!!!!!!!! Well that took me till about 11:30 a.m... And since Tom by this time had me in the ACTION mode I tried, and I mean tried to talk Anisten into going to see another action movie "Eragon"(I can feel some of you shuddering at the thought). She just wouldn't budge and stayed in her pj's all day until we went out on a drive to see the Christmas lights on homes which turned out to be a very lame idea since living in a multicultural and multi faith area doesn't lend itself to the masses decorating for the Christmas season.