Monday, April 09, 2007

An emerging young lady

I guess every parent has these moments... Anisten and I stopped at Walmart today to buy some cat food. On the way in the parking lot we run accross a lovely couple who had been part of our "Just me and the kids" program at Bramalea Baptist. They helped out as leaders.

Well if you know me then you know that I never could just pass by without saying hello and a few other words. Well the proud moment came when as we say our good byes and walk away that Anisten says to me "wasn't it nice to run into them" it sounded so grown up and so polite... not that is not the proper term "caring" would be better.

Saturday Anisten will turn 10 and it seems like only yesterday that the holloring, crying, colicy baby was in my arms. Now I see a young lady emerging who cares for others. I also see a young lady who is known to many as talented and deep thinker/introspective who is not afraid to be an individual and stand up for what is right.

I guess today I am not the rantin chick but the gushing mother chick!