Saturday, January 27, 2007

Imagine this scene, many action scenes are seen as music plays and then that scratching record sound and all stops. Well life is like that sometimes, don't you agree? No nothing bad is happening in my life(and I am very thankful for that) but life doesn't always moove along at the pace or timing I would like it to.

Today I once more heard the retelling of the story of ABraham and Sarah(in the bible). Abraham was promised by God that he would give him an heir and make his seed into a great nation too numerous to count. Well 10 years go by and no heir so Sarah takes matters into her own hand, after all God helps those who help themselves, right? WRONG! Sarah has Abram sleep with her maid and Ishmael is born(who is not Gods provision or promise) and off course it all goes sour. So eventually Sarah does bear the promise "Isaac" in a very ripe age of about 100 years.

So God promises and then makes them wait over 10 years! Talk about expecting patience. Why did God wait so long?... I found out why today, want to hear why?..... Well no doubt there were character issues that God was working on with both Abraham and Sarah but the fact that they had a child at such and old age was a sign to the heathen society that their "god of time" was no god at all and that Abrahams God was "THE GOD"

I got it, the message meant for me is "wait patiently, I am trustworthy and wise. I will fulfill my promises, but in my own perfect timing and in my perfect way. Don't take matters into your own hand as you are not able to see all and understand all and thereby cause more heartache than good."

OK Lord I get it, I wait........................